Here's a short Drinking Song I came up with while bored at work the other day. There's no real tune for it yet. If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, or additions let me know.
From the Emerald City to Bridgetown down South
An Ode to Cascadia I sing from my mouth.
With it's mountains so mighty and its trees oh so tall,
We drink to Cascadia 'cause it's got it all.
Cheers! to Cascadia with all of it's green,
Where the women like it dirty and the waters are clean.
Cheers! to Cascadia let the rain fall outside,
We'll dance in the puddles while the foreigners hide.
We've got breweries a plenty, the best pot around,
and Autumn brings magical fruit from the ground.
In winter the snow piles high on the peaks,
and long summer nights let us stay out and drink!
Cheers! to Cascadia with all of it's green,
Where the women like it dirty and the waters are clean.
Cheers! to Cascadia let the rain fall outside,
We'll dance in the puddles while the foreigners hide.
We pour,
One for the Salmon who's homes all got dammed,
by greedy capitalists here in this land.
But now we have wisdom, we've learned from the past,
We must work with nature to make this land last.
Cheers! to Cascadia with all of it's green,
Where the women like it dirty and the waters are clean.
Cheers! to Cascadia let the rain fall outside,
We'll dance in the puddles while the foreigners hide.